
We do different.

NormalNot does things differently. We want our clothing to express creativity and joy and to give everyone something fun to wear. We don't like having only five choices (black, gray, navy, olive, and white). We want more choices. We don't care about what everybody else wants; we care about what we want. 

Most of our products are produced in limited editions; you won't see your design on someone else. We don't maintain inventory; we only make what you purchase (see Sustainability). We spend most of our time on design, not unit cost reduction. We don't have a normal, profit-driven corporate business plan. We focus our efforts on giving to causes and organizations we believe in (see Philanthropy). We want to have good fun.

Why NormalNot?

We don't like "normal." We design things that aren't normal, for all of us who aren't normal, don't want to be normal, and can't do normal. We're just so tired of normal.

Don't do normal. 

Oh, and remember: 100% of our profits support LGBTQI rights and service organizations.