
Inventory is over.

We don't make thousands of the same item that end up in bargain bins or landfills. We only make what you order. You get more choice, we have no inventory.

All of our products are handmade on demand, and crafted with the highest quality, ethically sourced materials. Our preferred suppliers provide ECO PASSPORT by OEKO-TEX© certified ink and STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX© certified material as well as certifications from SGS Printing, and FSC packaging made from 100% recycled materials.

Note: NormalNot creates all of the designs and graphics used on our products and we retain all rights. In some designs, open access, public domain images are also used. All products are made to order: printed, cut, sewn, ironed, individually packaged and shipped directly to you. Production time is three to five days. Shipping time is subject to international conditions.